Thursday 8 November 2012

Of Art & Activism

Sheba Chhachhi's work will be featuring in a very special auction fundraiser in Singapore this November 14th to 17th. REDRESS: Stop the Traffic! curated by Bharti Lalwani, Susan Olij and Simon Ng and organized by Bamboo Network Asia in collaboration with UNIFEM, serves to raise funds for Maiti Nepal, a Kathmandu based organization that rescues and rehabilitates victims of sexual slavery and human trafficking.

Sheba's “Bearer of Mace (1999)”, an image from the iconic Ganga's Daughter's series will be central to the exhibition theme of gender politics and suppression.

Excerpted from a large body of work on women ascetics, this portrait of a female acolyte of a woman spiritual leader moves beyond normative binaries of masculine/feminine, erotic/spiritual, contemporary/traditional and religious/secular. Women ascetics were described as dangerous to the family by the Grih Sutras, an ancient Hindu manual of good conduct for housewives. 

Today, these wandering mendicants are a contemporary, living link into a rich history of female rebels and mystics in India. These are transgressive women, not wives, mothers or daughters but women who have dared to re- invent themselves in relation to the metaphysical. Though contained within seemingly traditional subcultures, their actions and bodily transformations chafe against easily codified definitions of such usually ethnographic subjects. Here, each woman offers an avant-garde performance of self, subverting conventional assumptions about gender, sexuality, domesticity and female piety. 

Maiti's Founder, Anuradha Koirala, is an inspiring and determined woman who was named CNN Hero of the Year 2010 for her devotion to the cause of human trafficking. Anuradha is our Guest of Honor and key-note speaker for REDRESS.

An online catalogue of artworks available for sale can be accessed at:

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